Product Specification
SmokeShield PTC™ Proportional Torque Control, CE Marked ’ES’ Rated Fire/Smoke Dampers. Opposed bladed with 75mm x 0.5mm thick stainless steel aerodynamic interlocking blades incorporating synthetic seal, with steel blade end bearings and peripheral gasketting. Housed in a galvanised steel fully welded 1.2mm spigotted casing suitable for square, rectangular, circular or flat oval connections.
The totally enclosed precise movement opposed blade drive shall be positioned out of airstream for protection against damage, be hard wearing and free running.
The Control Mode/Damper connection shall be by means of the snaplock™ drive interface mechanism, which is totally independent of the ductwork
SmokeShield PTC™ ’ES’ Rated Fire Dampers with their appropriate control modes shall have spring Fail-Safe Closed operation only, with selected Control Mode (M5 24V, M6 230V, M5 – 3P 24V) as supplied by Actionair.
Also available with Schischek ATEX rated actuators.
Application Parameters
The SmokeShield PTC™ range of Fire/Smoke dampers are CE Marked ‘ES’ Rated dampers used to prevent spread of fire and smoke maintaining compartmentation. SmokeShield dampers up to maximum width and height dimensions can be used where the operating total system pressure is up to 1500 Pascals and duct velocities to 15m/second. The SmokeShield PTC™ Damper blades are open and fail-safe to the closed position. Dampers may be installed both vertically and horizontally. Airflow can be from either direction. Actionair SmokeShield PTC™ Dampers are designed for applications in normal dry filtered air systems. If exposed to fresh air intakes and/or inclement conditions, the dampers should be subject to a planned inspection programme. For specialist and/or aggressive applications, please contact us.